Бесплатные объявления и мобильные тендеры для малого и среднего бизнеса

Бесплатные объявления и мобильные тендеры для малого и среднего бизнеса

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35698.67 руб.
431 (+276) просмотров

Crittall internal doors allow you to cleverly partition open areas to create different zones, without compromising on light or space. Striking but minimalist, the steel-framed grid-like doors complement other all sorts of styles while their graphic steel frames feel contemporary and add a hint of industrial style.
Crittall external doors have been fully weather tested for air permeability, water resistance, wind resistance and thermal performance. The durable steel frame means that you can design them into large opening sizes, double opening doors and doors within larger steel framed screens or walls.

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